First of all, I would like to give a big THANKS to the Palace Station Hotel for opening their doors and making my stay in Las Vegas a very comfortable one. The staff was accommodating and hospitable.
Tonight, I begin to focus on the last leg of my journey, Las Vegas to Los Angeles. I have been in Las Vegas for two days now, but I have to say I am ready to leave. I am not a gambler, a smoker, a drinker and I don't have anything that I want to do that I don't want anyone else to know about so that I can leave it here because it happened here. The interviews that I came here for didn't pan out, but Clive did meet up with some of his friends and participate in the Rock-a-billy Festival. I've met his friends and they are way cool.
Our journey will take us out into the desert for a couple of hundred miles, but they will be the last couple of hundred miles of our journey. We have gone over the maps and determined the best route for us to take. The weather has been good, not too hot or windy, I hope it holds up for us. Next stop, Primm, Nevada. Primm is right on the CA, NV border. After Primm, we have a long way to go to the next town. Every mile we do is one less that we have to do down the road.
Congratulations to "Two Babes on Bikes", I knew you could do it. Stephanie and Molly, we'll see you on the slopes.