Let me tell you about Clive Rogers. I met Clive in the town of Eureka, KS a few weeks ago. I was at the Pizza Hut in Eureka, just relaxing with 3 other cyclists who were also riding coast to coast when I saw Clive ride by towing a "funky" looking trailer. I motioned for him to come over and join us and he totally ignored me and rode riyght on by. About a half hour later, he came back and he did indeed join us.
Clive is the main reason I have made it so far in such a short period of time. He comes from Poole, England, and he is a "real" cyclist. Just recently, he completed a cycle tour of Cairo to Capetown. He sets a good pace and it takes all that I have to keep with him. We have gone almost 1000 miles and we have every intention on finishing in San Francisco together.
Today, we have more mountains to climb. We left Gunnison (home of the world's smallest Walmart), and we headed west on Highway 50. We were shooting for Montrose, CO, a town 66 miles away, but we had to fight the head winds again... and the scenery once again so beautiful that we kept stopping to take photos. There was no way we were going to make it to Montrose, so we decided on a campsite just outside of a town called, Cimarron. The site is a really good one, its right on the bank of a river and I am sure that the sound of water will help me sleep tonight.
I have a really slow connection, so I have to go. I will write more later.
'Just wanted everyone to know about my new "brother".