Last night, I arrived at the Willis United Methodist Church where I met a sweet lady named Juanita. She let me into the church (where they allow cyclists to stay overnight (free of charge) and use the kitchen and bathrooms). No shower, no bed, so I had to sleep on the floor, which is not really a problem for me. I don't mind that. I do mind the nightmares that I had, though. It was not a very good night for me. Waking from my nightmares several times and before I knew it, it was time to get up and get back on the road. I realized that I lost my chain (lock) somewhere between Williamsburg and Glendale, so I have to be extra careful until I get another one. Anyway, I am back on the road now, so stay tuned.
Almost as soon as I got underway, I stopped to save a snapping turtle who appeared to be taking a nap in the middle of the road.
I stopped around lunchtime at the sight of one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. The Battle of Cold Harbor was a very interesting one indeed. I made several stops along Cold Harbor Road, where much of the fighting took place.
That's all for now.