Tuesday, April 13, 2010

American Idol

While I wasn't paying attention, someone got me hooked on American Idol. :(


Today I am moving forward and following my dreams, not counting on promises that might be broken, but promising myself that I won't be broken. Moving forward, loving life and loving ones... ones that make me want to move forward. Ever reaching, ever growing, ever learning new things to make me a better person. Better for me, better for you... Better. I'm back.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Strength in Numbers... Family

Here is the video I was telling you about... but first let me warn you. There are hungry lions and at least one hungry crocodile in it and they are looking for a meal. Lions and crocodiles are both carnivores, so when they come across a water buffalo calf, they think they've found an easy meal. See what happens though, when a family of water buffalo stick together.

'Long time, no see or hear...

Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.