Here I discuss the truly important things in life, the things that matter most...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
Out with the old, In with the New... I'm bringing in the new year with family and some new friends. Low key celebration, but a GREAT time just the same. No fireworks, just some banging of some pots and pans. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
I Love You Mom!
I love my mom, so much. At this time of year I'm reminded how much she did to keep us all together. She would do so much, cooking, planning and arranging to make sure "the holidays" went off without a hitch. We will try and keep up the tradition and continue to spread the love that she gave to us. And make sure that we go and see her too, so she can still feel the love.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Happy Birthday
I was completely duped into believing I was going to an early Thanksgiving party, but when I arrived I walked in to my very first Surprise Birthday Party. The love of my life has been busy putting this thing together for weeks, right under my nose. There were family and friends there. Lots of food, good times... it was a great evening! Thanks, Babe! Just one more reason that I love you soooo much!
Friday, November 06, 2009
Don't Put Your Faith in Them...
I hope the politicians know that it's getting "tough" out here for a lot of people. I hope they know that when the gas prices go up, it can have an impact on a family budget. I hope they remember that they are supposed to represent us, not make a career and constantly work on re-election campaigns. Right now, it seems that they might be more interested on being on CNN or Fox than actually getting down to doing their jobs.
Winter is just around the corner and I worry a little for some families that have played by the rules and now may be in jeapordy of losing their jobs and homes. Crime rates are up, the cost of living is up, the divorce rate is up and a lot of people are feeling hopeless.
If anyone reading this is feeling hopeless... don't. Things can always turn around. Don't lose faith... keep pushing and lean on someone close to help you make it through, and if you don't have anyone close... give me a call.
Winter is just around the corner and I worry a little for some families that have played by the rules and now may be in jeapordy of losing their jobs and homes. Crime rates are up, the cost of living is up, the divorce rate is up and a lot of people are feeling hopeless.
If anyone reading this is feeling hopeless... don't. Things can always turn around. Don't lose faith... keep pushing and lean on someone close to help you make it through, and if you don't have anyone close... give me a call.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Is There A Doctor in the House?
This is my way to say thanks to my Baby for nursing me back to health. I woke up feeling like... "not good". Starting with Emergen-C, then some TLC, I hope I am on my way back. Whatever has got me, I hope its not the H1N1. Right now, I will be getting some rest and then hopefully I will make it to the Halloween Parade in Mechanicsburg. Anyway, I just want to say I LOVE YOU.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The "Show Me State"
I am in Missouri for a few days, just visiting with family and getting some work done. This is a nice little get-away, but already I am missing my family back home. At least Branson, MO is absolutely beautiful part of the country. I have a few more days here and then I'll be coming home to you. 143247365.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Busy Weekend...
Friday was Pop's 75th birthday and we had a great time celebrating at the home of Dwayne and Patty. Lots of friends and family, it was awesome to have so many people there to join the celebration.
But there was no time to rest... yesterday was the wedding day of my oldest brother Jeff and his beautiful bride, Melissa. Welcome to the family, Melissa. I don't really like weddings, or at least I there was a time when I didn't, but this one was really nice. Six down, one to go... anyway, here is just a taste of the entertainment. I hope you enjoy.
But there was no time to rest... yesterday was the wedding day of my oldest brother Jeff and his beautiful bride, Melissa. Welcome to the family, Melissa. I don't really like weddings, or at least I there was a time when I didn't, but this one was really nice. Six down, one to go... anyway, here is just a taste of the entertainment. I hope you enjoy.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Up at the Crack of Dawn.
Working, working, working. I'm getting ready for my dad's birthday party tonight and my oldest brother's wedding tomorrow. Working, working, working...
Friday, August 07, 2009
All About the Business...
'making every effort to make sure that I do all that I can to make my business succeed. I've already cut back on the extra curicular stuff and focused more on the day to day operations. Working hard so that I can PLAY later. Typos come from "new" keyboards.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
After years of trying, I was finally able to get the domain:
Now I just have to find something to do with it. Any ideas?
Now I just have to find something to do with it. Any ideas?
Light Headed
I've been down for about 3 days now. I don't know what's going on, but I have been light-headed and a little dizzy. I also have been having a slight headache. I went to see the doctor, but he didn't find anything. So, right now, I am being nursed back to health. I hope to be back up and running soon... this is hard.
By the way, did I say that I have the BEST nurse in the whole, wide, world?!
By the way, did I say that I have the BEST nurse in the whole, wide, world?!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Except for the chiggers...

Camping was great! I spent the weekend with Jessica and Dej at Raystown Lake. Teaching Dej to fish and getting caught in the rain while setting up the tent was priceless. Since coming home, I have been battling the chiggers that seemed to have set up shop on my body. Luckily for me, I had some "Chiggerex Plus" in my first aid kit. I found it a little late, but better late than never. Now I have to deal with the itching and trying to remember not to scratch the itch. All that said, I would gladly do it again, after all it was my baby's first camping trip.
PS Next time I'll use Insect Repellent.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Everybody is Somebody
Everybody is somebody's mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother, friend... be good to them.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Branson, MO
Another great day spent in Branson, MO. The weather has been perfect all week and since we will be leaving tomorrow, we thought it would be good to get out and experience the "real" Branson. We had lunch in town and then went to the Antique Car Museum. After the museum we went to the most awesome show, "The Acrobats of China". They were amazing and I was on the edge of my seat for most of the two hours. After the show it was time to wind down and get my mind right for the return trip. Well, I have wound down and my mind is right - so I am going to bed.
...but, if you ever have the opportunity to come to Branson, by all means do.
...but, if you ever have the opportunity to come to Branson, by all means do.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'm Back!
After a long absence, I have returned. Right now I am in Branson, MO visiting my baby bro and his family. The weather has been great and we have been spending a lot of time on the water.... which reminds me. Please remember to where life jackets this summer, today someone drowned on the lake as they were trying to save someone else... neither had a life jacket.
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am fine - I am back and I will posting regularly again. A lot has happened since my last post. I will fill you in later.
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am fine - I am back and I will posting regularly again. A lot has happened since my last post. I will fill you in later.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Deja Vu
Today, I am taking a break and when I saw Dejah on the slide I just had to take this photo. Can you remember what life was like back then, merry-go-round, slides, playgrounds... back to a time when you didn't know what a "bill" was.
Well, after watching Dejah on the slide... it took me back in time. At least for a little while.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
A New Chapter in the Book of Rob

I got my new CPAP (mask) on Monday and it began to change my life immediately. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). Positive airway pressure (PAP) is a method of respiratory ventilation used primarily in the treatment of sleep apnea, for which it was first developed. I haven't slept well in years, but since Monday I've been sleeping like a baby. Some people make jokes and call me Darth Vader, but I don't mind. I am just happy that I can sleep through the night. If you have problems with snoring, or if you think you might have sleep apea... get it checked out. This little machine could change your life.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Two Days in the Hole...
I've spent the last two days in my hole, working on various websites. Tomorrow the sun will be shining and I will be out there enjoying it. Not to mention the progress I've made while working on those websites.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Benadryl Take Me Away
I couldn't sleep so I just took a couple of Benadryl and that seems to be just what the doctor ordered. I can feel it working and I am drifting o.,afnalknfnalkfa
Monday, March 23, 2009
My Sale
Here is a photo taken at my Liquidation Sale. In the bsckground you can see the "Cali-Wagon". You can't tell from the photo, but it was below 20 degrees when I started this morning... when I finished it was almost 55. Anyway, it was good to get rid of a lot of "stuff". Yes-sir-ee-bob, operation simplification is in full effect!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Liquidation Going Well
Yesterday, I was able to get rid of a lot of "stuff". "Operation Simplification" is going well. Hopefully I will soon be at a point where the only things that I have in my life are the things that I need, with maybe just a few extras. No matter how this operation goes, I will definitely be a lot more "clutter free"!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I'm Liquidating!
I just got some good news on how and where I can get rid of a lot of "stuff"! So, cheers to my mentor, Tim Brown. He's the one who told me I needed to do this. So this weekend I will be having a liquidation sale. Time and place to be announced!
New Friends
Is there anything better than making new friends. When you get older you realize how uncommon it is to find people that you "get on" with, so when you do find them you hold on, with both hands.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Enjoying the Sun
I am just sitting here, working on a computer and enjoying the sun. I was in Florida a few days ago, I had forgotten what REAL warmth felt like. Anyway, for PA (this time of year), it's nice to have temps above 49 degrees.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Weekend in Dallas
I am in Dallas, TX for the weekend and although I am enjoying myself, but I can't wait to get back home. I have so much that I want to do once I get back there.
The weather is nice and sunny here, that is something that I am going to miss. Yesterday it was 71 degrees.
All the ladies of the Sheraton have been absolutely fabulous! Thanks for all of your assistance while we were there. Hannah, Natalie and Flavia, you guys are the best!
Take The TIme to Let Them Know
Take the Time to Let the Wonderful People in your know how you feel about them.
Relationships are the most important things in our lives. Too often, we lose sight of how important that is. We get caught up in our busy lives, chasing people and things day after day. We do this, even though the truly wonderful things are right in front of us. Take the time to let them know that you love them. The truth is, we (or they) may not be here tomorrow. Most of us have lost someone close to us, lets take the time to let them know how much we love them.
Even as I am writing this, I think about the people close to me. For me, these are the people who count, my mother, father, brothers, cousins and countless nieces and nephews and friends. Phone calls go unanswered, visits missed, calls going “uncalled”. Maybe, some of you can relate. If you can relate, start today and let 'em know!
For me, that's what time it is, time to let them know.
Family, Friends, Loved Ones, I Love you!
Relationships are the most important things in our lives. Too often, we lose sight of how important that is. We get caught up in our busy lives, chasing people and things day after day. We do this, even though the truly wonderful things are right in front of us. Take the time to let them know that you love them. The truth is, we (or they) may not be here tomorrow. Most of us have lost someone close to us, lets take the time to let them know how much we love them.
Even as I am writing this, I think about the people close to me. For me, these are the people who count, my mother, father, brothers, cousins and countless nieces and nephews and friends. Phone calls go unanswered, visits missed, calls going “uncalled”. Maybe, some of you can relate. If you can relate, start today and let 'em know!
For me, that's what time it is, time to let them know.
Family, Friends, Loved Ones, I Love you!
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